"We need a new quote." - Jim

Sunday, November 30, 2008

As of 11:01 PM EST StationZer0 is back up and running (a little slow right now but still working). Thanks Vex for all your hard work!
I've been trying to get on all day :sigh:

I hope it comes back on soon too ~ it's odd how much I depend on the site, even when I'm not posting much. I still check out what's going on.
It looks like StationZer0 is down once again. Does anyone know when it began? I know it worked before I went to bed at 3:30 AM EST. Let's hope it comes on soon.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm bored and can't get on StationZero, so I thought I'd drop by and say, "Hi!"

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Once again Stationzer0.com is not working right now as of several hours ago. Let's hope it doesn't last too long. I am not the only one am I?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

I don't know if it's just me or not but is it not working again? It has been running very slowly and keep timing out. I hope for the best but thinking the server is down. :(

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back again. Back to BFTI!!!
We are indeed down. Server has been down since about 10 eastern this morning. It came back at 1:40, everyone was BFTI-ing, then it crashed again at 3:40. Having fun, aren't we? :|
So what's the scoop? Are we down again?

/me curses the stupid server.

Doesn't the silly server know this is not an ideal time to be tempermental?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And back again.

I feel like a ping-pong ball. :\
...And down again. :|

Commence anger.

Er, I mean, the sites are back. :)

Come back and visit this blog again soon.
And I guess we're back, people!

StationZer0, the Bacon Donut, TheZer0, and BattleForTheIsland.com are all presently down, and have been for almost twenty-four hours now. It's a server issue, so all four sites are down.

It is, yet again, an issue with the hosting company, and we don't really have an estimated time for being back up. :( Rest assured, we're all quite ready to strangle somebody, and we're looking into other hosting companies. More updates as they come!

Feel free to comment on this post as necessary. Don't forget to log in first, or your comment may show as Anonymous. If you were a contributor on here (name listed on the right) and want to log in to your Google/Blogger account and make a full post on here, too, go for it. If you want to become a contributor, let me know by IM, e-mail, or comment here, but I need your e-mail address to make it work.

Stand strong! :D

Saturday, December 1, 2007

God I'm bored.
First I get the evening off (granted that is awesomely awesome), then I come back and find that no-one is going to the pub, and then neither me or my mates can be arsed to go to each others house and play Halo 3. Then I give up and use the laptop and S0 is down.

/me throws at rock at the internet

Friday, October 19, 2007

So, who's excited about the Heroes RPG? Awww yeah!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A few Observations:

1. Mud flys are lame. I got stung/bitten by a mud fly yesterday while running on a cross country trail in the woods. That wasn't very pleasant.

2. The weather is really messed up. Spring in summer (constant rain all through june/half of july), summer in fall (85 degrees today)... this does not lend itself well to field hockey season.

3. Staying up late to study for a test and not sleeping, only increases risk of failure. Don't study--sleep.

4. Sleep is good.

5. Technology hates me

6. I don't like Apple. They come out with new products (ipods) every two months, rendering the super amazing one you just got completely worthlesss.

7. I like apple food products. Apples, apple cider, cider donuts... local stuff is the best.

8. Technology still hates me.
The Brothers of Awesome forum is a go! Sign up now at http://bacondonut.freeforums.org. Our aim is to be awesome and to affiliate ourselves with the main new site of this community.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I am starting my own Dunder Mifflin Branch

go here: www.dundermifflininfinity.com and join up as my employee! To do that, sign up to work in the OH - Youngstown branch and then where it says "If a regional manager sent you a branch hiring code:"

use my code:

if you don't enter the code I won't get you as my employee, and I need ALOT of employees to get the Ohio branch! If we get 15 before everyone else we take the branch WOOO! If everyone joins, we're sure to win! Please help me! it will be fun! We'll have our own Dunder Mifflin office and I'll be your boss MWAHAHA! and we get to earn Schrute bucks. sweet.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

So my day started with a question, as it often does at six am on Saturday morning. "Mom, wake up. Can you find my fire nation lego helmet in the lego box?"

Translation: "Mom wipe the drool off your mouth, and find me my needle in the needle stack."

I calmly got up and got everyone their breakfast, hoping Dillan would have moved on from legos to a new toy, because I was afraid to even begin the search for the dreaded near-microscopic legoman helmet. No such luck. After Captian Crunch had filled my eight -year -old's belly he asked me again. "Hey Mom, Aang needs tht helmet if he's going to sneak into the fire nation. He doesn't have much time, you know." Oh do I know. SO I trudge to the playroom and begin sifting through the gianormo lego container with Dillan right at my heels. After a half an hour of lego diving, we come upon a helmet but not the helmet, it was a viking, which I thought suited Aang quite well. I was wrong. We found Batman to which I made a huge Mom error that went like this...

Mom: " Oh look at this Batman, he's so cute."
D: "Mom the Dark Night is not cute."
Mom: "I dunno that Christian Bale is pretty cute as Bateman, dude."
D: "Gross."
Mom: "Well, I bet Batman could kick some serious fire nation butt.
D: " Just give me the Batman please. * grumble, grumble, moan* Aang is not going to be happy.....Pffft Moms..

Boys and their toys. Totally priceless.
A stupid little game has stolen my soul. I knew it would happen someday. I guess I know how Kolic feels now, with him and his WoW. I'm a simpler man then Kolic though, it only took a little arcadey style game with 500 levels to turn me into a mindless game zombie. I actually woke up at 7:00 this morning so I could continue onto the next level. I'm such a loser. Maybe it's because the hero of the game is a ninja... and maybe I relate to him because, I myself, am a ninja. At least that's what I'd like to think. 2 conflicting addictions... StationZer0, and N

How will I ever survive?